Hier kun je discussieren over Public statement .
The murderous Social Democracy feared that the immigrants would organize themselves with the direct cooperation of the locals. The murderous Social Democracy suppressed the AZC echt liberation movement, when it saw democratic self-management as a threat to its very existence. The self-organization of immigrants in the AZC Echt had able to run all parts of the camp successfully; direct democracy based on common solidarity was generally able to eliminate the role of state management(COA) in the AZC Echt. The regime was losing control of the camp, when a self-organizing community was able to meet its needs without the intervention of the COA authoritarians. Azc Echt proved that self-management based on direct democracy can seriously address the needs of societies better than social democracy. This is in addition as a materialist response to those who consider libertarian socialism (anarchism) unattainable. None of the Azc Echt people are anarchists, but we have seen how socialism (without state) can create an anti-authoritarian society based on self-management and direct democracy (assembly). Although the self-organized community of struggle of the azc echt has established itself not from a long time ago and the regime quickly began to attack it, but I believe that the capitalist regime cannot destroy the idea that society based on class consciousness has realised it as a tool to liberate itself. In AZC Echt, with me or without me, the idea of liberation can not be removed from the minds of immigrants. People take their life in their hands, no force can destroy this idea.
The murderous Social Democracy has exiled me from azc Echt to another azc, and by criminalizing the political struggle is trying to shot down our demand for liberation, we should not allow the regime to do such action. They even afraid of my presence near the azc echt, they are threatening to take legal action against me by criminalizing my presence in the azc echt; By doing so, the regime wants to buy more time to gently dismantle the immigrant's self-organization in the AZC Echt. To allow such a thing to the regime means to be an observer when a self-organized community of struggle of immigrants (proletariat) is under the attack of the regime.
Recall March 21, 2020, when special forces entered korridalus Prison and exiled political prisoner Pola Rupa (member of EA) to another prison. The reason for the exile of the political prisoner Pola Rupa (member of EA) to Thebes women prison was the mobilisation that she had created in prisoners. The regime of grecce scared when saw the oppressed have united together against the real enemy. With the exile of Pula Rupa (member of EA), the prisoners' mobilization calmed down after a while and was slowly suppressed by the state. This is the old tactic of the regimes to suppress popular mobilizations, something we saw recently in the AZC Echt.
Since I do not want to provide unnecessary information to the regime, I do not intend to address all the issues in this public statement. I prefer to wait for a court hearing and raise more issues after the court ruling if necessary. I found it necessary to defend the political identity of the azc Echt liberation movement, that's why such a statement is published. The comrades should know that the reason for the regime's repression on Saturday, April 24, 2021 was not only the fear of a demonstration, but also their fear of self-organization and self-management created in the AZC Echt.
Abtin Parsa
29 April 2021
Interesting. If more
Interesting. If more information can be given about this democratic self-governmeny by the refugees, without of course putting anyone in danger, this would be great. If such ideas and initiatives can be spread, this would open up a new front against the murderous migration policy of the netherlands.
Respect for all you do Abtin, even though I am not a great fan of your writing style. But ignore all the idiots who cannot see past this, and see you as a greatly valued comrade. Their fucking loss.
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Die " zelforganisatie " wat
Die " zelforganisatie " wat doet die aan het grote aantal minderjarigen dat spoorloos verdwijnt uit AZC s ? Georganiseerde misdaad mensensmokkelaars bijv. hoe groot is de invloed daar van in het AZC ? Of speelt dat niet in Echt ? En oorlogsmisdadigers die asiel aanvragen in Nederland ? Zijn er al gespot in Echt door bewoners ? En wat dan Eigenrichting ? Kan je in het AZC Echt openlijk homo zijn ? Geweld tegen vrouwelijke bewoners door mannelijke ? Waar moet die vrouw dan klagen bij de zelforganisatie ? Er zitten nog al wat haken en ogen aan die " zelforganisatie " kortom. Die Linkse sukkels die trappen over al in ?