Wanneer: 24/04/2016 - 07:34
Rodrigo Duterte’s authoritarian vision is no way forward for the Philippines. Lees meer...
Wanneer: 04/03/2014 - 07:55
Interview with Jose Maria Sison, Founding Chairman, Communist Party of the Philippines
by New Culture Magazine, Communist Reconstruction Union of Brazil Lees meer...
Wanneer: 03/12/2013 - 14:06
There has been civil war in Colombia more or less continuously since 1948. It seems it may finally be coming to an end. It is ending the way most other long-lasting civil wars end. Lees meer...
Wanneer: 03/11/2013 - 07:49
Defeating Revisionism, Reformism and Opportunism, second book of 5-book series by Jose Maria Sison under the general title Continuing the Revolution Lees meer...
All best for 2012 Lees meer of Discussieer (7 reacties)...
Our planet is dying, and there is no mistaking the cause... Industrial civilization must me confronted as the machine of death that it truly is. The Occupy Movement has the makings of a revolutionary struggle, but it will only succeed if we can properly align our actions with an honest assessment of the predicament we face. Lees meer of Begin discussie...