Infopoint for the people who are pushed back at the Greek-Macedonian Border in Idomeni

Nieuws, gepost door: Free movement infocar op 01/12/2015 12:09:14

Wanneer: 01/12/2015 - 21:21

*german below* *espagnol abajo* *francais plus bas* *italiana sotto* *hrvatska ispod*

Solidarity with the protesters and hunger strikers in Idomeni!



After the massive riots and police clashes of yesterdays, strikers are
even more in need of transnational solidarity.

We are currently setting up an Infopoint for the people who are pushed
back at the Greek-Macedonian Border in Idomeni.
In order to show the people who are protesting that their calls are
being heard and their struggle is recognised in Europe and across the
world, we are asking for individuals and groups to send statements of
solidarity: small moments of support for those fighting for their
freedom of movement. Declarations of unity to those struggling against
Fortress Europe.

Send us whatever sign of support comes to your mind. We will be present
in Idomeni with printer, megaphone and camera. We will print all
statement, photographs and poems. Play the words of solidarity. And
report back on what happens.

Let us prove that no fence, no wall and no military presence can seal
borders. Let us be there to show support and solidarity to those in
struggle. And if not in person, than in word, picture and sound. Send us
your solidarity call to freemovementinfocar(at) or post it here!

Walls fall only when those shaking their foundations are being heard!


We are still searching for further translations: Slovenian, Arabic,
Farsi, Macedonian, Portuguese, Pashto, Kurmanji, Turkish etc. If someone
knows anyone who could translate the statement, that would be great!

And we will set up our infopoint from tomorrow in Idomeni/Eidomeni where
the road crosses the train tracks. We will share the statements there.
Everyone welcome.

Furthermore, we have written a letter of solidarity with the protesters
and hunger strikers in Idomeni, which we are going to share at our
Infopoint. Please find it attached.

Solidarität mit den Protestierenden und Hungerstreikenden in Idomeni!

Wir sind dabei einen Infopunkt aufzubauen für die Menschen, die an der
griechisch-mazedonischen Grenze in Idomeni festsitzen und zurückgedrängt
Um den Protestierenden zu zeigen, dass ihre Rufe und ihr Kampf in Europa
und der ganzen Welt gesehen und gehört werden, rufen wir dazu auf,
Solidaritätserklärungen zu senden: Momente der Unterstützung für
diejenigen, die für ihre Bewegungsfreiheit kämpfen. Vereinte Erklärungen
derjenigen, die gegen die Festung Europa kämpfen.

Sendet uns, was immer euch als Zeichen der Unterstützung einfällt. Wir
werden in Idomeni Drucker, Megaphone und Kamera bei uns haben und alle
Erklärungen, Fotos und Gedichte ausdrucken, die Worte der Solidarität
abspielen und berichten, was passiert.

Lasst uns zeigen, dass kein Zaun, keine Mauer und kein Militär die
Grenzen abriegeln kann. Lasst uns da sein, um Unterstützung und
Solidarität für die Protestierenden zu zeigen. Und wenn nicht
persönlich, dann mit Worten, Bildern und Tonaufnahmen. Sendet uns eure
Solidaritätserklärungen an: freemovementinfocar(at) oder postet
sie hier!

Mauern fallen nur, wenn die, die an ihren Grundfesten rütteln, auch
gehört werden!


Llamamiento para mensajes y fotos de solidaridad con Idomeni

¡Solidaridad con los manifestantes y huelguistas de hambre en Idomeni!

Actualmente estamos instalando un puesto de información para la gente
impedido de cuzar la frontera entre Grecia y Macedonia en Idomeni.

Para mostrar a la gente en protesta y en huelga de hambre que su
llamamiento se oye y su lucha se reconoce en Europa y en todo el mondo,
invitamos a los individuos y grupos de mandar mensajes de solidaridad:
pequeños momentos de apoyo para los que luchan para su libertad de
movimiento. Declaraciones de unidad para los que luchan en contra de la
Fortaleza Europa.

Mándanos un señal de apoyo cualquiera que te viene a la mente. Estaremos
presente in Idomeni con una impresora, un megáfono y una camera.
Imprimiremos cada mensaje, foto y poema. Vamos a reproducir cada palabra
de solidaridad y informaremos sobre lo que pasará.

Demostraremos que ninguna cerca, ni muro, ni presencia militare puede
cerrar la frontera. Estaremos presente para mostrar apoyo y solidaridad
con los que luchan. Si no en persona, en palabras, imagines o sonido.
Mándanos tu llamamiento de solidaridad a freemovementinfocar(at)
O postéalo en nuestra pagina facebook:…/

Los muros solamente se caen si se escuche los gritos de los que les
hacen temblar!

Solidarité avec les manifestant.e.s et les grévistes de la faim Ã

Nous sommes actuellement en train d’établir un point d’information
ceux qui sont refoulés à la frontière greco-macédonienne à Idomeni.
de montrer à ceux qui manifestent que leurs appels sont entendus et leur
lutte est reconnue en Europe et à travers le monde, nous demandons aux
individus et aux groupes de nous envoyer des messages de solidarité :
ceux-ci constitueront des instances de soutien pour ceux qui luttent
pour leur liberté de mouvement, des déclarations d’unité pour ceux qui
combattent la Forteresse Européenne.

Quel que soit votre message de solidarité, envoyez-le-nous. Nous serons
présents à Idomeni avec une imprimante, un mégaphone et des appareils
photos. Nous imprimerons vos messages, vos photos et vos poèmes. Nous
diffuserons ces mots de solidarités et nous rendrons compte de la
situation sur place.

Prouvons que nulle barrière, mur ou présence militaire ne peut sceller
la frontière, où qu’elle soit. Soyons présents – physiquement ou en
parole, image et sons - aux côtés de ceux qui luttent et montrons-leur
notre soutien. Envoyez vos appels de solidarité à l’adresse
Ou postez-les sur cette page:

Les murs ne pourront tomber que lorsque ceux qui secouent leurs
fondements seront entendu.e.s.


Solidarietà con i manifestanti e con lo sciopero della fame a Idomeni!

Al momento stiamo allestendo un infopoint per le persone che vengono
respinte al confine Greco-Macedone di Idomeni.Per dimostrare alle
persone che manifestano e che fanno lo sciopero della fame che le loro
voci sono sentite e che le loro lotte sono riconosciute, in Europa ed in
tutto il mondo, chiediamo ad individuini ed a gruppi di mandare messaggi
di solidarietà : piccoli momenti di supporto per coloro che lottano per
la loro libertà di movimento. Dichiarazioni di unità con quelli che
combattono Fortezza Europa.

Mandateci qualsiasi segno di solidarietà vi venga in mente. Saremo
presenti ad Idomeni con una stampante, un megafono ed una macchina
fotografica. Stamperemo tutti i messaggi, le foto e le poesie ed
informeremo su quello che accade.

Dimostriamo che nessuna barriera, nessun muro e nessuna presenza
militare può chiudere le frontiere. Siamo presenti per dimostrare
supporto e solidarietà per quelli che lottano. E se non di persona
allora con le parole, le foto, i disegni ed i suoni. Madateci le vostre
chiamate di solidarietà a: freemovementinfocar(at) oppure
postatele qui!

I muri cadono solo quando coloro che scuotono le loro fondamenta vengono

Solidarnost s prosvjednicima i štrajkača glađu u Idomeni!

Trenutno se uspostavlja Infopoint za ljude koji u pritvoru u
grčko-makedonske granice u Idomeni.

U cilju prikazati ljude koji su prosvjedovali da je njihova pozivi su
čuli i njihova borba priznaje se u Europi i diljem svijeta, mi tražimo
za pojedince i grupe za slanje poruka solidarnosti: male trenutke
podrške za one bore za svoju slobodu pokret.
Izjave o jedinstvu u onima koji se bore protiv tvrđave Europe.
Pošalji nam bilo znak podrške padne na pamet.

Mi ćemo biti prisutni u Idomeni s pisača, megafonom i kamera. Mi ćemo
ispisati sve izjave, fotografije i pjesme. Ponavljanje riječi
solidarnosti, izvijestit ćemo vratiti na ono što se događa.
Neka nam dokazati da nema ograde, nema zid i nema vojnu prisutnost može
zatvoriti granice. Budimo tamo pokazati podršku i solidarnost s onima u
borbi. Čak i ako ne fizički prisutna, nego ćemo prenijeti solidarnost
kroz riječi, slika i zvukova. Pošaljite nam svoj solidarnosti poziva
freemovementinfocar(at), ili ga staviti ovdje u komentarima!

Zidovi padaju samo kad ti odmahivali temelji se čuje!

Love, rage, solidarity!
Free movement infocar


Eidomeni riots - 30.11.15

Yesterday there was a huge protest in Eidomeni (Greek-Macedonian border), where Macedonian police (supported and arranged by EU) started to build a fence in the morning, similar to the one on the Hungarian-Serbian and Hungarian-Croatian border. People who are not from Syria, Afghanistan or Iraq have been stuck there for 11 days already.

There have been various forms of protests for freedom happening.
Since the 23 of November a group of hunger-strikers have sewed their mouths, demanding to open the border. There have been several blockades of the railway. We saw lots of creative ways of struggle (posters, banners, songs,…). A big riot against the border system broke out on Saturday 28 of November. This system is in Idomeni represented by the Macedonian (FYROM) and also the Greek border police and army, as well as the fence with barbed wire that was installed. The cops, who keep up a imagined border, received stones, and ‘answered’ by throwing them back at the migrants in the camp and around and using gas- and smoke grenades against the crowd.

Lets oppose the politics of “divide and conquer” that the authorities and institutions use !

no nations – no borders – just people!

The European Union and its member states are responsible, we know it since colonial times and the never ending war machine that is being kept up for the sake of imperial, capitalist interest.

So we solidarize with the rebellious people in Eidomeni, with the hunger-strikers and with everyone who fights for the freedom of movement of people no matter at which place.

This is an open call for people living in the “core” of the EU monster: in several places there will be protests on Tuesday, the 1st of December. Address the responsible institutions ! make your solidarity and rage visible! Annoy your local repression-institution! Lets be together, smash militarism and border-exclusion.

For self-organisation, freedom and responsibility!



12.30: Situation is very tense and complex. Greek special unit has surrounded the protestors which are blocking the crossing. Massive tear gas/pepper spray actions of them against protesters who try to reach the enclosed groups at the fence. Hundreds of Syrians wait on the field besides the camp. Parts of Camp A are closed by those who cannot pass the border. Greek police is somehow present at the entrance of the complex. At the railway station in the back, there is one train to depart around 1 or 2 pm to Athens. Police advises people to take this train. UNHCR is not present. Official infrastructure has broken down. Desperation and anger is taking over, there is rumours that one person committed suicide some hours ago. We observe only little media presence.

Obviously there is only one sustainable solution to this willingly generated catastrophy: The border has to be opened.

11.00: Massive armed fightings between Syrians and Non-Syrians because nobody is allowed to cross the border at the moment. Divide et impera.

09.00: The border is still closed. All nationalities are stuck now. Conflicts are rising among those who could pass, and those who cannot. People are trying to walk to other border crossings. UNHCR has left the camp tonight. Europe’s strategy of divide et impera has worked out so far.


24.00: Update: It’s not ten buses waiting, it’s twenty. Additional 1000 persons will have to sleep outside tonight.

23.00: The border crossing is still blocked by protestors. Greek police has completely left the border zone. Right now around ten buses are arriving. UNHCR reports that they have no clue how to accommodate the newly arriving persons. Obviously they have enough stored goods, but no staff to distribute it.

19.00: Still hundreds of protesters in front of the fence. The border crossing is blocked, nobody can pass right now. The camp is getting crowded as new people still arrive.

17.00: Protesters shout ‚Etihad‘ (United) to gather all nationalities in front of the fence.

16.00: Protesters have teared down the fences of the crosspoint. Situation tense. Greek police doesn’t intervene.

15.00: Hundreds gather at the crosspoint as rumours have spreaded that border would be opened in 2 hours. Macedonian police/army has strengthened its presence with water cannons and riot units. We have no confirmed information about border opening.

13.30: Hundreds of refugees tried to pass the fence at its end and just came back to the camp. They reported, that Macedonian army/police was entering Greek territory and shot on them with rubber bullets. Furthermore, they told about warning shots in the air.

13.20: Yesterday evening, about 30 buses arrived. This resulted in chaos this morning at the crossing point. The cage surrounding it, was destroyed.

Possible to follow via:


Een bericht van mensen van Vluchtkonvooi ter plaatse:

13.30 ontruiming van kamp nu begonnen. Traangas en pepperspray wordt ingezet. Mensen verzetten zich tegen de ontruiming.


16.30: Het kamp is er nog er zijn niet veel mensen meegegaan met de trein naar Thessaloniki. De bezetting van de grens is ontruimd. Er wordt nu aan eten gewerkt door activisten. De situatie is op dit moment weer wat rustiger.
Voor volgende week wordt aanwezigheid en bemoeienis van Frontex aangekondigd.


Apocalyptic scenes in Idomeni Greece,

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