One Week of Climate Justice Action @ COP21

Aankondiging, gepost door: ASEED & GroenFront! op 09/11/2015 11:01:05

Waar: Paris, Netherlands
Wanneer: 07/12/2015 - 10:00 t/m 14/12/2015 - 21:00

GroenFront! and ASEED Europe are mobilising in alliance with social movements from around the world to go to Paris this December to take action around the UN climate summit COP21. Join us in what is going to to be the largest mass civil disobedience climate justice actions that we have ever seen in Europe.

Invite your friends on Facebook.

We are organising a bus for €50, leaving 7 December and returning 14 December. We are also arranging sleeping places in Paris. Sign up by emailing us at Your sign-up will be complete after transferring the payment to: "Stichting A SEED Europe, Amsterdam" bank account nr: NL47 TRIO 0254 7289 52. In remarks, please add your name and "Bus Paris". For payments from abroad: SWIFT or BIC: TRIONL2U.

On the program:

** December 7th-11th: Zone for Climate Action (ZAC)

For four days, together with social movements from all over the world, we will transform this artistic establishment into a site swarming with life, with creative proposals, and joyous resistance. The program in the ZAC includes daily action trainings, to build confidence and skills in civil disobedience techniques, to inform of the legal implications and form affinity groups (with longer term potential).

** December 7th-10th: Action Against (False) Solutions COP 21

'Solutions COP21' is a big corporate-sponsored expo coinciding with the Paris climate talks.

** December 9th: anti-TTIP / Peasant Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Day

Food sovereignty is a true solution to the global climate crisis. Peasant agroecology feeds the world and cools the earth!
More info:

** December 10th: International anti-fracking gathering

Organized by FOEI together with organisations and groups fighting the fracking industry in the US. This will be an opportunity for communities and organisations opposing fracking on every continent to meet, network, share experiences, build synergies and develop joint strategies for the future. A fracking action is planned as well, date and location to be confirmed.

** December 12th: Mass mobilization and actions for climate justice

On the 12th of december, let's gather for a mass action. it is time we write a different story: we do not want to remain mere spectators of the end of the un conference, patiently awaiting the verdict of the negotiations! we will show that the movement for climate justice possesses the energy and determination to impose its solutions, and to grow even stronger in 2016!

** December 13th: Climate Games Awards Ceremony

Coming together to celebrate our successes is key to movement building. Join us on the evening of Sunday, 13th of December, for a magical awards ceremony where we will share stories of adventure, give out beautiful prizes and dance to the thumping tunes of FILASTINE & NOVA and other international artists.

Stay tuned, as this program will continue to be updated over the coming weeks.


GroenFront! gaat naar de Klimaattop in Parijs, .


Van de afdeling gezellig & leuk:

Politie botst met klimaatactivisten in Parijs, .

Zie ook 'Rellen tussen oproerpolitie en betogers op Place de la République' , enz.

Verders: Demonstrerende schoenen in Parijs, .

Eerder deze week: 'Huisarrest voor 24 Franse activisten in aanloop naar klimaattop' , 'Franse klimaatactivisten krijgen huisarrest, toch virtuele en echte acties in Parijs', , enz.

Uitgebreide verslaggeving The Guardian: .


Something to put on the walls!



New edition!



The poster in pdf format...




Paris: COP21 – Tear gas, grenades and hundreds of arrests:



Parijs/Cop21 en de Noodtoestand: Staat op hol, .


Activists from ZAD de Testet, Hambach, and Stop Fennovoima Campaigns Set Up Treesit in Paris for COP21:


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