Death in the bottle of Coca-Cola and Nestle

Hier kun je discussieren over Death in the bottle of Coca-Cola and Nestle .
We break the silence. Our life looks like a frozen product ready to be sold. We live in the concrete metropolises of your civilization, we submissively execute the orders of the managers, the bosses, the superiors, we operate like programmed robots, we breathe the polluted air of your factories, we wander and die on the high speed highways of your commodities, we believe in the false avatars of wealth, we desire what the advertisements command us to desire, we fall in love via screens, we communicate via keyboards, we imprison ourselves inside walls and storefronts, serial numbers and barcodes. That’s it… We break free from your prison. We are aware of the fact that everybody talks today about the financial crisis’ curse. The preachers of politics are attempting to rectify the numbers, to improve statistics, to invent the social formulas of treatment and promises of salvation.
Nobody mentions, however, that economy, the domination of wealth in social relationships, is an achievement of civilization that you taught and fed us with, all these years.
Meanwhile, nobody seems concerned about the murder of nature, the torture and killing of the animals and generally about the extermination of the human being itself caused by the totalitarianism of science of technology, its laboratory experiments, the nuclear energy, the radioactive “accidents”, the GE products, the cannibalism of massive meat production industry, the pollution of the oceans, the chemical weapons, the genetic manipulation, the deforestation…
For the time being, we will not comment further on these. We only create the challenge. We will soon return to talk publicly in order for a dialogue of actions to be opened.
For the time being, we used the enemy’s tools against it. We fed civilization with the poison it produces.
It is one of our objectives to damage the consumers’ blind trust to the products which the multinational companies serve to us. We damage these companies’ financials as they will see many stacks of their products being withdrawn from the market.

Our desire for action is followed by the need for strategic planning.
We firstly thought of executing a direct action operation against the factories based on Greece where products of these multinational companies are packed, stored and are propelled from. However, the planting of incediary or explosive mechanism would not bring a result as significant as we would like.
Puzzled by this, we decided to try a method which has never been used in Greece before. Our action is multiform and me employ every measure and sabotage technique available as part of our struggle for total liberation. So, we thought about executing an innovative operation of sabotage which would practically force all the consumers to boycott these products.
We will pollute the products of these companies with hydrochloric acid and put them back on the super markets’ shelves. So, we warn the consumers to fully avoid buying those products.
This way we provoke a boycott, not begging for the consumers’ “sensitive ecological consioussness” but based on the decisiveness of direct action instead. Our goal is not, in any case, to harm someone who might cosume these mass produtcion commodities, that’s why we send this claim of responsibility before we start plaicing these products bach to the shelves.
Specifically, we send two envelopes, one for each of the following mass media: the first is website and the other one is Espresso newspaper. The reason why we choose mainstream media is the nature of our action itself and not some kind of sympathy towards them. We know very well, that the mass media is an indispensable part of the system we fight against.
Since it is not our goal to do harm to someone unsuspected who could consume these products, we hold responsible the two above-mentioned media for the immediate publication of our video and the whole text claiming responsibility without any kind of censorship. Otherwise they will turn themselves into perpetrators and abettors of the poisoning and possible death of any unsuspected person, which might fall victim of their economic deals to satisfy the multinationals – giant customers of theirs (sponsorships, advertisements). Of course, something like that will not be forgotten and we will act accordingly against the persons responsible for those media.
In the envelope that we send to you there is 1 USB stick and 1 bottle of soda. The USB contains this text as well as one video that shows in detail the procedure we followed to sabotage these products. The bottle is being sent to verify the credibility of what we say. It is identical with the ones that we will place back to the shelves and contains exactly the same quantity of hydrochloric acid that we will insert in the others. All of them will be sealed like new, with their safety caps, just like the other regular COCA-COLA and NESTEA products. Have the bottle analyzed to a chemistry lab to verify the credibility of our warning. In the video we send to you, we have digitally erased the serial codes on top of NESTEA caps, as well as other hints that could help the companies identify the product lots that have been infected. This way they will not be able to contain the damage by withdrawing only these specific lots, instead they will be force to withdraw all of them during the period of our action. Four days after we have sent these envelopes we will start placing the infected products back on the shelves. Our action will last exactly 10 days. The choice of this period is not random. On the contrary, these are the days during which the profits of these multinationals soar. So, for 10 days, we will place back 63 plastic 500 ml bottles of Coca-cola light and 42 plastic 500 ml bottles of various flavors of NESTEA. Our action will take place in the metropolises of Athens and Thessaloníki.
The bottles will be placed back to all types of stores selling these products. All of these bottles contain 100 of hydrochloric acid solution. We chose hydrochloric acid because at this proportion the colors of COCA-COLA and NESTEA remain unchanged, in contrast with other substances like chlorine etc.

Greece: Claim of responsibility by FAI/IRF for sabotage against Coca-cola and Nestle products


Great action!

People need to decide on witch side they are on. If u support these capatalist corperations u should suffer from the consequences. I hope to see similar thing in the Netherlands.

Bad cop! Dont u haf more

Bad cop! Dont u haf more importent thyngs tu doo? p.s. Entrapment is not a valid form of police work.

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