Wanneer: 18/04/2021 - 15:12
Update over de campagne voor de vrijheid van Rodney Alvarez en alle arbeiders die ten onrechte door het Venezolaanse regime gevangen worden gehouden.
We thank the people who have been able to collaborate in some way with economic resources. In case of being able to collaborate in any way you can contact Daniel through the mail: vientosinfronteras@gmail.com Lees meer...
Wanneer: 04/02/2019 - 12:35
Nederland erkent Guaidó als interim-president van Venezuela. Lees meer...
Wanneer: 13/05/2017 - 20:21
El Libertario call on all "real anarchists" to wake-up about the situation in Venezuela. Events in Venezuela are genuine expressions of working-class frustration, against a corrupt and dysfunctional state-capitalism, no longer able to sustain itself given the sharp fall in global oil prices. Lees meer...
Wanneer: 21/05/2014 - 22:22
“Chevron: The Bolivarian connection” is a report that the fabulous business expansion of transnational energy under the so called “Socialism of the XXI Century”, doubling its presence in Venezuela after the electoral victory of Hugo Chavez. Away from the propaganda that talks about “energy sovereignty” and “eco-socialism”, the country has deepened the role assigned by economic globalization: Insurance provider and reliable raw materials to the world energy market, regardless of the environmental and social consequences of the expansion of the extractive activity. Lees meer...
Wanneer: 23/02/2014 - 12:15
Lacking clear political content, the Venezuelan protests are at the same time capitalized upon by the right and violently repressed by the government. An anarchist perspective on the protests in Venezuela.
[http://roarmag.org/2014/02/anarchist-perspective-protests-venezuela/] Lees meer...
Wanneer: 06/03/2013 - 10:40
De Venezolaanse president Hugo Chávez is gisteren op 58 jarige leeftijd overleden. De socialistische president van Venezuela had kanker en werd daarvoor de laatste tijd verschillende malen in Cuba behandeld. Op de website LibCom is afgelopen nacht een artikel verschenen van de hand van de Venezolaanse anarchistische krant El Libertario. Het is een uiteenzetting van de situatie in het land en een libertaire blik op de gebeurtenissen. Lees meer...
Wanneer: 29/01/2012 - 22:18
The February-March 2012 issue of this voice for anarchist action and thought is out, as always committed to liberty and equality in solidarity since 1995. This issue includes the following: Lees meer...