Solidarity food in MKZ

Aankondiging, gepost door: nn op 08/07/2012 07:07:48

Wanneer: 10/07/2012 - 18:48

Alle dinsdagen in juli zullen er benefieten zijn in de MKZ voor de juridische kosten van anarchisten in Thessaloniki. Komende dinsdag is de eerste, de anderen zullen zijn op 17, 24 en 31 juli.

All the MKZ tuesdays of the coming month will be in benefit of the juridical costs which anarchists in Thessaloniki are facing. Coming Tuesday the 10th is the kick of. The other dates are 17, 24 and 31 of july.

“On July 2nd, 2012, an extensive police operation was launched across the city of Thessaloniki, with raids in two squats, house searches and massive preemptive detentions (people were caught even in their private residences, and on several streets, and after few hours were released from police departments), as well as arrests. There are reportedly 25 arrestees.
Specifically, police forces stormed the anarchist hangout Nadir at approximately 6.30am, detaining people from inside the building. Cops then also stormed the Orfanotrofio squat, also detaining people there.
The Greek media immediately linked this crackdown to a police case file concerning events of recent months in this city of northern Greece.
To hell with the police mercenaries and the ruling media… We are well aware of the fact that the judiciary and the cops will loyally serve any dominant propaganda, in an escalating war against the enemy within.”

For the rest of the article see:

Alle arrestanten zijn vrij maar hebben te maken met repressieve maatregelen in de komende maanden/jaren, en grote juridische kosten.
Verwacht goed eten, wat extra en meer info.

All the arrested are released but have to deal with repressive measures in the coming months/years, and big juridical costs.
Expect good food, some extra's and more info.

Reservations from 14:30 at 003120-6790712
Food served from 19:00

MKZ eerste schinkelstraat 14-16 Amsterdam

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