Waar: Grote Markt, Groningen, Netherlands
Wanneer: 17/03/2019 - 14:00 t/m 17/03/2019 - 16:30
Manifestation/demonstration in the city centre of Groningen. We want equality for anyone regardless origin, skincolour, gender, religion. Against racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, islamophobia, sexism and antisemitism.
Soon there will be elections and also the international day against racism (21th march) so we ask you kindly to please don't give a vote to racism and discrimination. On this manifestation there will be people speaking, spoken word performances and music. Also we will march!
CONTRIBUTIONS BY: Arnold Veeman (words/music), Tammy Blue (spoken word), Milly Manganiello (music), Jerry Afriyie (words), Alejandra Slutzky (words), Emily Wieland (spoken word), NoNo & the Sinking Ship (music) ::: presentation by Liz Hayes