Kurdish Resistance Against the Curfews in Bakur: An Overview and an Anarchist Message

Nieuws, gepost door: From a comrade in Turkey op 19/12/2015 12:01:59

Wanneer: 19/12/2015 - 13:51

After the stalling of the peace process between the governing Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the Kurdish freedom movement (in short, the KFM, which supports the legal political party called the People’s Democratic Party [HDP]), a new phase of oppression has begun through the imposition of draconian curfews.

According to HDP Co-Chair Figen Yuksekdag, the curfews have so far affected 1.3 million people, with 200,000 forcibly displaced. Resistance against the curfews are emerging in Kurdish cities in Turkey (in the region called Bakur in Kurdish). Anarchists and libertarian socialists should give global support to this resistance.

The peace process was broken by the current President Tayyip Erdoğan. The AKP quickly turned back to its conservative, nationalist and right wing roots during the election cycle on the pretext of maintaining public order. This means the use of security forces (mainly special police forces) to pacify the Kurdish population in Turkey. It should be noted that the Kurdish side was also not happy with the peace process due to the AKP’s disallowal of communication with their imprisoned leader, Abdullah Öcalan, since January 2015. Much of the Kurdish side has maintained dismal feelings from an additional unwillingness of the AKP to make any real reforms for the collective rights of Kurds, as well as the AKP’s hatred of the Rojava insurgency and its covert support of ISIS.

In this atmosphere, after the bombings of an HDP demonstration in Diyarbakır (known in Kurdish as Amed), of anarchists and socialists in Suruç and, most recently, of the peace demonstration held by different NGOs and trade unions in the middle of Turkey’s capitol city Ankara — the peace process was completely stalled. In the context of these bombings, in which hundreds of people were killed (not including the ongoing civil war between Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) guerrillas and the army), the KFM started to declare “self-governance” in many cities in Bakur in order to push the Turkish state to return to the peace process. These “self-governments” are forming citizen solidarity committees to help the sick, poor and disadvantaged, as well as to work on cultural and political projects. Speaking objectively, behind their revolutionary rhetoric of refusing to accept unjust state institutions, these are modest and practical attempts at a social solidarity organizing that will remedy the evils and alienation caused by the state criminalization and punishment of ethnic minorities. Most of these “self-governments” are in working class neighbourhoods and are organised by residents themselves, who are already excluded from most of state services. The municipalities, however, are held by HDP co-mayors (from the Democratic Regions Party [DBP], the fraternal party to the HDP) who support the declarations of self-government. In response, the State has currently arrested 20, discharged 22 and is searching for six of the HDP and DBP co-mayors. Despite the arrest of municipal co-mayors, the people have elected replacements (without the consent of the state) and the municipalities continue to function extralegally in Bakur in a way that is reminiscent of a dual power situation.

The Turkish state’s fight against what it considers to be a terrorist population has now taken a new form under these emerging conditions. From 1987 to 2002, the Turkish state maintained a “state of emergency” and martial law (called OHAL — Olağanüstü Hâl Bölge Valiliği) in all cities and provinces where the Kurdish freedom movement was strong. In this way, the state burned thousands of villages and displaced hundreds of thousands of people in the hopes of destroying the base of support for the Kurdish movement guerilla forces. These policies resulted in a massive increase in the urban Kurdish population, who are now very aware of the assimilationist policies of the Turkish state and its constant threat of violence against all popular demands for democracy, equality and freedom. The lifting of the state of emergency was one of the demands that the EU placed on Turkey for its membership accession process, and its lifting was also a component of the peace process. With the end of the peace process, the current AKP government is oppressing the urbanized Kurdish population more precisely. The new model of oppression is based on targeting “the problematic neighborhoods and towns” (which translates to the areas where the KFM is strong) to destroy the established Kurdish solidarity and political organizations. By this, the state aims to terrorize the rest of the Kurdish neighborhoods and cities into abandoning their emotional and political ties with the Kurdish movement — in hopes of later integrating them into the AKP’s Islamic capitalism project, all with the help of reactionary and Islamist Kurdish organizations active in Bakur.

Against these attacks the Kurdish youth, especially those whose family members were directly killed by the Turkish State or ISIS in Syria, have taken a stand to protect the democratic autonomy project and the Kurdish population. Many people in cities and towns began building barricades and digging trenches to counter the police raids. This resulted in terrible clashes between unarmed youth and militarized police equipped with tanks in city centers. The police have attacked civilians with automatic weapons, and used artillery and helicopters to shell neighborhoods. After the elections of June 7th (in which the AKP lost its majority in parliament thanks to the rise of the HDP), a total of 163 days of curfew were implemented in 6 cities and 17 towns. As of December 10th, 161 civilians were killed by the state during the curfews.** These curfews also have had a terrible effect on women, children, the elderly and the sick. It has also caused many people to migrate to other cities.

The Kurdish freedom movement certainly has a complex past, which includes problematic actions and a hierarchical structure. On the other hand, with their continuous fight against the state, the Kurdish population developed a certain anti-statist notion and feeling that is evident at the micro level in their daily interactions, civil rights organizations and neighbourhood assemblies, as well as on the macro level with their attempt at forming an autonomous administration in the Rojava cantons across the border in Syria. This transformation is also expressed in the mass legal civil movement and extends to the more hierarchical military side as well. At the most basic level, the Turkish state’s attacks to kill the will of the Kurdish people is unacceptable in any humanist, anarchist, or progressive terms. The practices of Rojava can be criticised, but the AKP government continues to oppress the Kurdish people and continues to support ISIS. Moreover, the mainstream media is making government propaganda by presenting the murdered children and young teenagers as terrorists. In this way they ensure the silence and even nationalistic applause of the Turkish population. The scarcity of information and neutral witness accounts opens the way for more abuse by the state. Those abuses include desecration of the dead: stripping murdered women nude, bombing guerilla cemeteries, and dragging corpses behind armored police vehicles. On the parliamentary level there appears to be no sign of a peace resolution on the horizon. The HDP is trying to stop the war but in the current situation the AKP is against any sort of dialogue on the issue as appealing to the to state-sponsored ideology of Turkish nationalism serves their interest and empowers them in elections. In response, the Kurdish youth restate their willingness to defend self-governance and democratic autonomy, as their relatives were killed in the past by the state just as their comrades are now killed by ISIS.

On paper these curfews are just harmless bans on leaving the house and going out into street, just as it was on national census days in the past. The the official fee for breaking curfew is a couple of hundred Turkish Liras ($60 US), but every day Kurdish youths are paying the price with their lives. People protesting or defending their streets (nearly all of whom are not militants and definitely do not have guns) are met with lethal force by police armed with tanks and artillery fire. Yesterday (December 14, 2015) two Kurdish youths were killed in Diyarbakır again while protesting against the curfew in the Sur district of Diyarbakır byl bullets from cops. Their names were Şiyar Salman and Şerdıl Cengiz. The latter was a university student at Tunceli University (another Kurdish city whose name was changed, the original name was Dersim). He came to Diyarbakır for the DEM-GENC congress. (DEM-GENC is a congress of student and young societies connected to Kurdish Freedom Movement.) His last Facebook post was:

Many of the youth killed were pursuing the same dreams as the people killed by ISIS in Diyarbakir, Suruç and Ankara. This is the best representation of the people and their struggle against the Turkish state that is trying to annihilate them both within its borders and also in Rojava. Currently, the state has ordered teachers to leave the cities of Cizre and Silopi to prepare for another wave of attacks against civilians: anyone staying in the city will be considered as a terrorist target. Today thousands attended the funeral of these two boys, Şiyar and Şerdıl, despite the curfew. Kurdish people won’t forget their idealist youth who were murdered with police bullets just because they were trying to prove that another world is possible, a world without the state and where every living being can be free. It is now time for anarchists and libertarian socialists globally to take a stance of solidarity with the Kurdish freedom movement and support their demands for peace and self-governance for everyone everywhere.

It is crucial for revolutionaries to engage with international struggles so that we can strengthen a global movement of exploited classes against capital, the state, and oppression. Black Rose militants have been working at their local level to organize solidarity events and build Rojava solidarity coalitions, while gradually building international political connections with the popular struggle. We encourage other revolutionaries to organize local solidarity coalitions that can act together as a unified political force.


More texts from the Black Rose Federation on the Kurdish resistance: http://www.blackrosefed.org/tag/kurdistan/


The correspondence of Öcalan and Murray Bookchin is now made public for the first time: https://roarmag.org/2015/12/19/bookchin-ocalan-correspondence-published-...


Stop de Turkse staatsterreur - landelijke demonstratie

Gelijk na de verkiezingsuitslag op 1 november 2015 heeft de Turkse luchtmacht in opdracht van Erdogan en de AKP bombardementen uitgevoerd op de PKK in Zuid-Koerdistan in Irak en sindsdien vallen Turkse tanks en helikopters Koerdische steden aan, zoals Farqin(Silvan), deelstadSur in Amed(Diyarbakir), Warto, Cizir en Nisebin(Nusaybin) waar de stemmers met meer dan 90% op de HDP (progressieve pro-Koerdische partij) hebben gestemd. Bij deze aanvallen zijn er tot nu toe meer dan 100 burgers om het leven gekomen en vanwege het ingestelde uitgangsverbod kan men niet eens de doden begraven. Op 14 december 2015 zijn twee jongeren van 19 en 21jaar door de Turkse politie doodgeschoten tijdens een live uitzending .

Daarnaast lijden Koerdische burgers onder oorlogstoestanden omdat ze niet eens voorzieningen hebben voor basislevensbehoeften, zoals water, elektriciteit en brood. Erdogan en de AKP is bezig met een strafexpeditie aan het adres van Koerden, Alevieten, oppositie en kritische journalisten.

Er heerst onrust onder de bevolking in Koerdistan, Turkije en Nederland vanwege deze totale oorlog van Turkije tegen Koerden. Turkije begint te lijken op Syrië omdat nu Turkse tanks en helikopters bewoonde Koerdische steden bombarderen en er dreigt een burgeroorlog.Afgelopen zondag is door het Ministerie van Onderwijs van Turkije een bericht gestuurd naar alle leerkrachten in de Koerdische provincie Sirnak om de regio per direct te verlaten omdat een grote militaire actie wordt gepland. De oproep is per sms verzonden aan alle leerkrachten werkzaam in deze regio, met de mededeling dat er van 15 t/m 17 december een bijeenkomst wordt georganiseerd. Dit heeft tot grote onrust en bezorgdheid geleid in de regio. De burgers vragen zich af wat de regering van plan is met hen.

Het is ongelofelijk dat de Turkse strijdkrachten nu steden bombarderen binnen landgrenzen van Turkije met tanks en helikopters omdat de inwoners van die stad op de HDP hebben gestemd en omdat ze hun eigen stad willen besturen door “democratische autonomie” op te richten. De Koerden willen alleen maar hun eigen stad besturen en meer niet! Blijkbaar is het te veel gevraagd in Turkije en een legitieme eis van Koerden wordt beantwoord met bommen en granaten!

Met ondersteuning van zijn bondgenoot IS, probeert Erdogan zijn eigen plan voor het Midden-Oosten te implementeren samen met Saoedi Arabië en Qatar. Koerden worden wederom benadeeld en ze worden wederom op een ongekende en genadeloze wijze ‘gestraft’ voor hun strijd voor meer mensenrechten en democratie.

Als de internationale gemeenschap zich afzijdig en stil houdt over de onrechtvaardige en illegale daden van de Turkse staat dan zijn de onschuldigeburgers in Koerdistan en Turkije in de steek gelaten.Het is nog steeds niet duidelijk hoeveel doden zijn in Koerdische steden als gevolg van de bombardementen door Turkse tanks en helikopters vanwege de censuur op de media. Zelfs de parlementariërs van de HDP mochten steden niet in en tientallen parlementariërs zijn erbij gewond geraakt door de aanvallen van de Turkse strijdkrachten en ze zijn door hen met de dood bedreigd.

Fedkomroept de Nederlandse regering op in elk gesprek tussen Turkije, Nederland en de EU het vredesproces bovenaan de agenda te zetten zodat de strijdende partijen de vredesonderhandelingen hervatten. Koerden protesteren tegen deze aanvallen van de Turkse strijdkrachten. Hiervoor gaan Koerden op 18-12-2015 in Den Haag voor de Tweede Kamer protesteren en op 19 december op het Spuitplein in DenHaag. Fedkom roept iedereen op solidair met deze protestacties te zijn!

Laten we ons verenigen voor vrede en democratie in Koerdistan en Turkije!
Geef vrede een kans!
Koerden hebben recht op zelf-bestuur!

Datum: 26 december
Tijd: 12:00
Plek: Beursplein, Amsterdam

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/495878000537526/



PM Davutoglu to the ruling AKP youth: "I see in you a love for martyrdom."


Towards self-governance in Bakur: Civilian Protection Units of Botan (YPS-Botan) officially declared (ANF)

YPS-Botan: 'Against the genocide operation the popular resistance of the people and the right to defend itself is legitimated.'

''The Kurdish youth was organized under the name of YDG-H. But this popular resistance needs to be strengthened.'

'Against these attacks not only the youth is resisting, but the entire people of Botan, including women & men.'

'Against the genocide operations self-governance & self-defence are the elementary rights of the people's in

'We as Botan people use our legitimated right to live & declare against these genocide attempts the Civilian Protection Units.'


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