Threat to lakaswadeep islands ecology

Nieuws, gepost door: nn op 16/04/2014 04:07:19

Wanneer: 16/04/2014 - 06:35

lakshawadeep under ecological threat

A study on lakashwadeep conducted by kerala state council for science and technology has revealed that coral reefs face the greatest threat from pollution,dredging of navigation channels coral mining and destructive practices like blast fishing.The study warns that sea level rise triggered by global warmings could also be indirectly impacting on the archipelago comprising reefs,lagoons beaches and sand dunes.The study notes that the population density in the inhabited lands is over 2000 persons a square kilometer much above the national average of 324. Amini has the highest density of 2839 persons a square km.Most of the inhabitaed islands are urbanized.The increase in the population was pushing settlements further,forcing changes in the land use pattern along the coast.The scientists have called for an awareness campaign on population control. The limited ground water resources in the islands are already strained by over exploitation. Salty intrusion caused by rising sea level could aggravate the situation.pointing out that lakshwadeep was located along the main route for oil tankers plying between the middle east and south east asia.It notes that oils pillage and discharge of waste oil and untreated waste into the sea could pose a potential threat to the rich marine biodiversity of the region.
The report recommended for strict enforcement of the coastal regulation zone norms to protect the islands.It recommends the creation of a biosphere area and the establishment of marine parks for sustainable management of bio diversity.
The project team stresses the need to adopt eco friendly coastal protection measures such as beach nourishment, submerged break waters and artificial reefs.It moots the installation of desalination plants, sewage treatment facilities and solar power units on all islands .The report also proposes a coral monitoring programme and strict curbs on capture of ornamental fish.The rapid growth of predators such as the crown of thorns star fish has been identified as a major threat to corals. Cyclones storms and tidalwaves were also taking a heavy toll on the corals and associated fauna

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