Wanneer: 01/08/2013 - 01:24
Back in the 90's we used to kick NS skinheads asses from the Heavy Metal and Punk concert's, preaching anarchy in every song we composed, in every battle we held, in everything we did; we now are Trotskyist militants and, despite all the people that came and went, we still keep on the fighting, these are some of our bands:
La Enfermedad de Diogenes (Diogene's desease) live:
I.R.A. (Insumision Revolucionaria Anarquista; Anarchist Revolutionary Insumision) Live at San Justo, opening for Patria Libre (a guevarist a party, no longer active):
Pego y No Recibo (I hit and don't get anything back) live in 1997:
Bolchevikes - Reforma y Revolucion (Reform or Revolution)
Bolchevikes - Rehearsal 2009
Ik laat ook mijn baard staan; www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTOC4zej_S4