Wanneer: 15/01/2013 - 15:38
Police raid Lelas Karagianni, Athens’ oldest anarchist squat – updates
14.02 GMT+2 Fourteen people were arrested inside the building in total. A solidarity gathering outside has many hundreds of people; one person detained outside for shouting slogans has now been released.
13.02 GMT+2 Police are inside the building; they are arresting people who were at the rooftop, shouting slogans. There are already many people gathered around in solidarity and there is now a call for people to gather at Amerikis square.
12.30 GMT+2 Police are trying to raid Lelas Karagianni, Athens’ oldest squat. They are outside the building, trying to cut the lock.
tijd voor een soli-demo? amsterdammers weer eens op bezoek bij het griek staats reisburo in de kerkstraat?
Lelas Karagianni squat has been re-occupied
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Only hours after the eviction of Lelas Karagianni, the oldest anarchist squat, people in solidarity have re-occupied the building. More info as it comes.