
Saturday 18 november 2023
Start:18/11/2023 15:00

Weer richt actiegroep Niet Te Koop, nu met de 153ste flitsactie, haar pijlen op vastgoedcorporatie Stadgenoot, die openlijk en in het geniep door blijft gaan met het verkopen van woningen '....die niet passen in haar vastgoedportefeuille'. Wil zeggen: woningen die zo verwaarloosd zijn dat je ze liever kwijt wil dan ze op te knappen en woningen uit complexen waar al uit is verkocht, wat het beheer bewerkelijk maakt. Bestevâerstraat 281-huis voldoet aan beide criteria en wordt daarom te koop aangeboden voor het lieve sommetje van €450.000.

Start:18/11/2023 20:00

8,50 of meer
Benefiet voor Sea Watch, sea-watch.org

18 november
20:00 - 20:30
Cafe Bosch
Apeldoornsestraat 4

No Cops, No Nazi's


Thursday 23 november 2023
Start:23/11/2023 19:30

In 2018, Dmitry left Russia to participate in the fight for a free society in Kurdistan, Ukraine and around the world. In April 2023, his letter was published: “As an anarchist, revolutionary and Russian person... I did this for the sake of justice, the protection of Ukrainian society and the liberation of my country, Russia, from oppression. For the sake of all the people whom the vile totalitarian system created in Russia and Belarus deprives of dignity and the opportunity to breathe freely.” This is how Dima’s comrades and relatives learned that he had died near Bakhmut.

Saturday 25 november 2023
Start:25/11/2023 11:00

The Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam is back for the 7th year in a row! The ABFA will take place on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 November 2023 at the Dokhuis. There will be stands, workshops and talks during two full days of anarchist fun!

About ABFA

The ABFA is an event to learn and to work together towards a world without states, borders, ecocide, capitalism and any other forms of oppression. Are you looking for community, in-depth conversation and like-minded individuals or collectives? Are you looking for anarchist books and zines? We’ll have all that and more!

Start:25/11/2023 15:00

Een eigen huis
Een plek onder de zon
En altijd iemand in de buurt die van me houden kon
Toch wou ik dat ik net iets vaker
Iets vaker simpelweg gelukkig was

Sunday 26 november 2023
Start:25/11/2023 11:00
Einde:26/11/2023 20:00

The Anarchist Book Fair Amsterdam is back for the 7th year in a row! The ABFA will take place on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 November 2023 at the Dokhuis. There will be stands, workshops and talks during two full days of anarchist fun!

About ABFA

The ABFA is an event to learn and to work together towards a world without states, borders, ecocide, capitalism and any other forms of oppression. Are you looking for community, in-depth conversation and like-minded individuals or collectives? Are you looking for anarchist books and zines? We’ll have all that and more!

Friday 08 december 2023
Start:08/12/2023 19:00

Benefit for Squatters' Legal Defend Fund!

Come at 19:00 for a delicious voku!
After that, we will have an info talk regarding the recent eviction of the Prinsengracht.
Jantje Contantje will come to entertain you with his music, and after that there will be karaoke!
Closing off the event will be the one and only DJ Quiero Mas Bananas!

Voku is 5 euro
Entrance on donation - all proceeds will go to Squatters' Legal Defend Fund

Vrankrijk | Spuistraat 216 | Amsterdam

Saturday 09 december 2023
Start:08/12/2023 19:00
Einde:09/12/2023 03:00

Benefit for Squatters' Legal Defend Fund!

Come at 19:00 for a delicious voku!
After that, we will have an info talk regarding the recent eviction of the Prinsengracht.
Jantje Contantje will come to entertain you with his music, and after that there will be karaoke!
Closing off the event will be the one and only DJ Quiero Mas Bananas!

Voku is 5 euro
Entrance on donation - all proceeds will go to Squatters' Legal Defend Fund

Vrankrijk | Spuistraat 216 | Amsterdam

Start:09/12/2023 15:00

De Slag bij Kraaipan in de Transvaalbuurt zal niet de eerste confrontatie zijn tussen de 800 strijders van Niet Te Koop en de groep uitponders van Ymerde. Te verwachten valt dat deze flitsactie de Tweede Huurdersoorlog zal inluiden, al dan niet geblokkeerd door een ontspoorde gepantserde trein met kanonnen, munitie en gevangen huurders.

Ten koste van betaalbaarheid

Thursday 14 december 2023
Start:14/12/2023 20:00

Rats (Rats Against Terfs)

The RAT-party released a statement on indymedia saying “they are anarcho-nihilist”. Can you explain what that means?

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