Van de Facebook-pagina "Free Mouthena", om ongeveer 15.30 uur:
"Mouthena was just released 15 minutes ago!
It is still a bit unclear what the German authorities expect now (you can not stay, you cannot move, you should not be arrested again, that kind of impossible logic...)
One person from The Netherlands is in Munich now and saw him. Another had him on the phone briefly: 'He immediately asked with which group I was now and the next thing he said was: they should be together. I said: come back fast.'
We think he will be back very soon!"
Mouthena is een van de migranten van de Amsterdamse groep We Are Here. Een aantal weken terug werd hij in München opgepakt terwijl hij op doorreis was.
wo, 11/12/2013 - 11:08
>Deze aanvulling voldeed niet aan de spelregels en is verplaatst naar het forum.
Van de Facebook-pagina "Free Mouthena", om ongeveer 15.30 uur:
"Mouthena was just released 15 minutes ago!
It is still a bit unclear what the German authorities expect now (you can not stay, you cannot move, you should not be arrested again, that kind of impossible logic...)
One person from The Netherlands is in Munich now and saw him. Another had him on the phone briefly: 'He immediately asked with which group I was now and the next thing he said was: they should be together. I said: come back fast.'
We think he will be back very soon!"
Mouthena is een van de migranten van de Amsterdamse groep We Are Here. Een aantal weken terug werd hij in München opgepakt terwijl hij op doorreis was.