
Friday 06 juli 2018

We are a diverse group of free people who are counteracting the exploitation of humans and nature. The Skillsharing is a common experiential space for the exchange of skills, knowledge and fellowship in which we network, share and celebrate with each other. There are different ways to get involved, i.e., participate in workshops, giving some or just getting to know other great beings.

Whether you have money or not does not matter.

We look forward to you!

More info, timeline etc. at


Start:06/07/2018 20:00
Einde:06/07/2018 23:00

Op vrijdag 6 juli vindt een presentatie plaats van het boekje “Anarchisme – een introductie: een analyse van het heden en verleden; strategieën voor de toekomst”. Het is een uitgave van de Vrije Bond die te gast is om de presentatie te verzorgen.

Saturday 07 juli 2018

We are a diverse group of free people who are counteracting the exploitation of humans and nature. The Skillsharing is a common experiential space for the exchange of skills, knowledge and fellowship in which we network, share and celebrate with each other. There are different ways to get involved, i.e., participate in workshops, giving some or just getting to know other great beings.

Whether you have money or not does not matter.

We look forward to you!

More info, timeline etc. at


Start:07/07/2018 11:49

Voor updates, contact en aanmelden:

Tetterode: monumentaal woonwerkpand middenin Amsterdam, met een lange traditie in ondersteuning van ongeDOCUMENTeerde vluchtelingen. Door het hele pand heen kunnen bezoekers tijdens het weekend 7 & 8 juli 2018 een migratieroute volgen.

Start:07/07/2018 13:00

Liebe Leute,

schon im letzten Newsletter haben wir von der drohenden
Polizeigesetz-Änderung in NRW berichtet und zur Protest-Demo am 7. Juli
in Düsseldorf aufgerufen, zu der das Bündnis "NEIN zum Neuen
Polizeigesetz NRW" mobilisiert.

Jetzt ist klar: auch die Klimabewegung organisiert sich gegen die
geplante Ausweitung der polizeilichen Befugnisse. Schließt euch dem
Klimagerechtigkeits-Block auf der Demo am 7. Juli an! Wir werden ohne
Lauti unterwegs sein - und freuen uns umso mehr, wenn ihr an dem Tag
mit uns ihre Stimme erheben: Um der Landesregierung zu zeigen, dass wir

Start:07/07/2018 14:00

Eight people were already arrested and several dozens anarchists remain under the threat of being imprisoned. Arrested activists are being kidnapped, beaten up, electrocuted, and tortured - this all to confirm that they are members of some mythical terrorist community called "Network". Obviously, FSB made up both this community and its name. To force antifaschists to confess in founding the "Network", FSB officers applied naked electric wires to the activists' various body parts, kicked them in the stomach, kidneys, and injured their heads.

Sunday 08 juli 2018

We are a diverse group of free people who are counteracting the exploitation of humans and nature. The Skillsharing is a common experiential space for the exchange of skills, knowledge and fellowship in which we network, share and celebrate with each other. There are different ways to get involved, i.e., participate in workshops, giving some or just getting to know other great beings.

Whether you have money or not does not matter.

We look forward to you!

More info, timeline etc. at


Start:07/07/2018 11:49
Einde:08/07/2018 11:49

Voor updates, contact en aanmelden:

Tetterode: monumentaal woonwerkpand middenin Amsterdam, met een lange traditie in ondersteuning van ongeDOCUMENTeerde vluchtelingen. Door het hele pand heen kunnen bezoekers tijdens het weekend 7 & 8 juli 2018 een migratieroute volgen.

Monday 09 juli 2018
Start:05/07/2018 23:12
Einde:09/07/2018 23:12

We are a diverse group of free people who are counteracting the exploitation of humans and nature. The Skillsharing is a common experiential space for the exchange of skills, knowledge and fellowship in which we network, share and celebrate with each other. There are different ways to get involved, i.e., participate in workshops, giving some or just getting to know other great beings.

Whether you have money or not does not matter.

We look forward to you!

More info, timeline etc. at


Wednesday 11 juli 2018
Start:11/07/2018 15:00

Vorige week ontnam de Nederlandse regering twee reddingsboten van NGO's de Nederlandse vlag, waardoor deze niet meer kunnen uitvaren om vluchtelingen op de Middellandse Zee te redden. Hierdoor komen nog meer vluchtelingen direct in gevaar. Het is onderdeel van een georkestreerde campagne van EU-landen om reddingswerk op de Middellandse Zee onmogelijk te maken.

Saturday 14 juli 2018
Start:14/07/2018 19:00

Tonight MKZ is cooking and the proceeds will go to anti-racist collectie Kick Out Zwarte Piet. This group has done a lot of actions and need money to cover legal costs and loss of incomes. If you want to read about the project or donate money, go here: https://apura.org/project/290/kick_out_zwarte_piet:_help_mee_in_de_strij...

No reservation necessary or possible. First come first served.

Date & Time:
Saturday, 14 July, 2018 - 19:00

Wednesday 18 juli 2018
Start:18/07/2018 11:48

Climate change, and the degradation of regions in which fossil fuels are extracted, emerges from the systematic exploitation of the natural environment and people. Opposing this harmful process requires cooperation and the combined forces of everyone who does not agree to live in a world that is stripped of trees, polluted, dug up or deprived of natural lakes and rivers.



Thursday 19 juli 2018

Climate change, and the degradation of regions in which fossil fuels are extracted, emerges from the systematic exploitation of the natural environment and people. Opposing this harmful process requires cooperation and the combined forces of everyone who does not agree to live in a world that is stripped of trees, polluted, dug up or deprived of natural lakes and rivers.



Friday 20 juli 2018

Climate change, and the degradation of regions in which fossil fuels are extracted, emerges from the systematic exploitation of the natural environment and people. Opposing this harmful process requires cooperation and the combined forces of everyone who does not agree to live in a world that is stripped of trees, polluted, dug up or deprived of natural lakes and rivers.



Start:20/07/2018 16:48

To shake up the borders of circus and music, join the Jetlag ADM Festival and prepare to be jetlagged!

The festival is organised by the Side Kunst Cirque and the Jetlag collective (Toulouse) in collaboration with ADM (Amsterdam). The Jetlag collective is a group of circus artists based in La Virgule.


Saturday 21 juli 2018

Climate change, and the degradation of regions in which fossil fuels are extracted, emerges from the systematic exploitation of the natural environment and people. Opposing this harmful process requires cooperation and the combined forces of everyone who does not agree to live in a world that is stripped of trees, polluted, dug up or deprived of natural lakes and rivers.



To shake up the borders of circus and music, join the Jetlag ADM Festival and prepare to be jetlagged!

The festival is organised by the Side Kunst Cirque and the Jetlag collective (Toulouse) in collaboration with ADM (Amsterdam). The Jetlag collective is a group of circus artists based in La Virgule.


Sunday 22 juli 2018
Start:18/07/2018 11:48
Einde:22/07/2018 11:48

Climate change, and the degradation of regions in which fossil fuels are extracted, emerges from the systematic exploitation of the natural environment and people. Opposing this harmful process requires cooperation and the combined forces of everyone who does not agree to live in a world that is stripped of trees, polluted, dug up or deprived of natural lakes and rivers.



Start:20/07/2018 16:48
Einde:22/07/2018 16:48

To shake up the borders of circus and music, join the Jetlag ADM Festival and prepare to be jetlagged!

The festival is organised by the Side Kunst Cirque and the Jetlag collective (Toulouse) in collaboration with ADM (Amsterdam). The Jetlag collective is a group of circus artists based in La Virgule.


Thursday 26 juli 2018
Start:26/07/2018 07:51

Een festival van vrijheid en blijheid waarbij de hoofdact en spil in dit gebeuren de natuur is.
Het festival kenmerkt zich door een alternatieve geest waarbij theater , muziek(bands) , kunst ,
aktiviteiten en workshops het publiek kostelijk vermaken. (erg geschikt voor kinderen)

Volgens sommigen waait er een anarchistische wind en de goede sfeer die er op deze dagen heerst
word erg gewaardeerd door het talrijke publiek.
De campings in de omgeving zijn in deze dagen dan ook druk bezet door de vele bezoekers welke
tijdens de festivaldagen komen overnachten.

Friday 27 juli 2018

Een festival van vrijheid en blijheid waarbij de hoofdact en spil in dit gebeuren de natuur is.
Het festival kenmerkt zich door een alternatieve geest waarbij theater , muziek(bands) , kunst ,
aktiviteiten en workshops het publiek kostelijk vermaken. (erg geschikt voor kinderen)

Volgens sommigen waait er een anarchistische wind en de goede sfeer die er op deze dagen heerst
word erg gewaardeerd door het talrijke publiek.
De campings in de omgeving zijn in deze dagen dan ook druk bezet door de vele bezoekers welke
tijdens de festivaldagen komen overnachten.

Start:27/07/2018 19:00

De hele maand juli doneert de vrijdag crew van volkskeuken MKZ alle winst en donaties aan MAKE ROJAVA GREEN AGAIN.

Voor meer info over de campagne ga je naar: http://internationalistcommune.com/make-rojava-green-again/

Deze vrijdag 27 juli zal journaliste Fréderike Geerdink aanwezig zijn en kun je haar boeken kopen die ze heeft geschreven over de Koerdische strijd.

Saturday 28 juli 2018

Een festival van vrijheid en blijheid waarbij de hoofdact en spil in dit gebeuren de natuur is.
Het festival kenmerkt zich door een alternatieve geest waarbij theater , muziek(bands) , kunst ,
aktiviteiten en workshops het publiek kostelijk vermaken. (erg geschikt voor kinderen)

Volgens sommigen waait er een anarchistische wind en de goede sfeer die er op deze dagen heerst
word erg gewaardeerd door het talrijke publiek.
De campings in de omgeving zijn in deze dagen dan ook druk bezet door de vele bezoekers welke
tijdens de festivaldagen komen overnachten.

Sunday 29 juli 2018
Start:26/07/2018 07:51
Einde:29/07/2018 07:51

Een festival van vrijheid en blijheid waarbij de hoofdact en spil in dit gebeuren de natuur is.
Het festival kenmerkt zich door een alternatieve geest waarbij theater , muziek(bands) , kunst ,
aktiviteiten en workshops het publiek kostelijk vermaken. (erg geschikt voor kinderen)

Volgens sommigen waait er een anarchistische wind en de goede sfeer die er op deze dagen heerst
word erg gewaardeerd door het talrijke publiek.
De campings in de omgeving zijn in deze dagen dan ook druk bezet door de vele bezoekers welke
tijdens de festivaldagen komen overnachten.

Monday 30 juli 2018
Tuesday 31 juli 2018
Wednesday 01 augustus 2018
Start:01/08/2018 19:36

The anarchist summer camp is a collaboratively created camp, which should enable people, who pursue lived anarchy, to come together, exchange with each other and reflect about developments within the movement.

It is an experimental site, which joins self-determined, antiauthoritarian theory and practice and creates the opportunity to build networks of solidarity and mutual aid, as well as consciously approaching and dismantling forms of discrimination.

Thursday 02 augustus 2018

The anarchist summer camp is a collaboratively created camp, which should enable people, who pursue lived anarchy, to come together, exchange with each other and reflect about developments within the movement.

It is an experimental site, which joins self-determined, antiauthoritarian theory and practice and creates the opportunity to build networks of solidarity and mutual aid, as well as consciously approaching and dismantling forms of discrimination.

Friday 03 augustus 2018

The anarchist summer camp is a collaboratively created camp, which should enable people, who pursue lived anarchy, to come together, exchange with each other and reflect about developments within the movement.

It is an experimental site, which joins self-determined, antiauthoritarian theory and practice and creates the opportunity to build networks of solidarity and mutual aid, as well as consciously approaching and dismantling forms of discrimination.

Start:03/08/2018 12:05

More Information: www.climategames.ch

Fight for Climate Justice!

The consumption of fossil fuels is further increasing on a global scale and has caused 2016 to be the warmest year since the beginning of systematic measurements. According to experts in 2017 a total of 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere by the exploitation of oil, coal and gas. 70% of global energy production is still based on the combustion of these resources.

Saturday 04 augustus 2018

The anarchist summer camp is a collaboratively created camp, which should enable people, who pursue lived anarchy, to come together, exchange with each other and reflect about developments within the movement.

It is an experimental site, which joins self-determined, antiauthoritarian theory and practice and creates the opportunity to build networks of solidarity and mutual aid, as well as consciously approaching and dismantling forms of discrimination.

More Information: www.climategames.ch

Fight for Climate Justice!

The consumption of fossil fuels is further increasing on a global scale and has caused 2016 to be the warmest year since the beginning of systematic measurements. According to experts in 2017 a total of 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere by the exploitation of oil, coal and gas. 70% of global energy production is still based on the combustion of these resources.

Sunday 05 augustus 2018

The anarchist summer camp is a collaboratively created camp, which should enable people, who pursue lived anarchy, to come together, exchange with each other and reflect about developments within the movement.

It is an experimental site, which joins self-determined, antiauthoritarian theory and practice and creates the opportunity to build networks of solidarity and mutual aid, as well as consciously approaching and dismantling forms of discrimination.

More Information: www.climategames.ch

Fight for Climate Justice!

The consumption of fossil fuels is further increasing on a global scale and has caused 2016 to be the warmest year since the beginning of systematic measurements. According to experts in 2017 a total of 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide was emitted into the atmosphere by the exploitation of oil, coal and gas. 70% of global energy production is still based on the combustion of these resources.

Start:05/08/2018 15:00
Einde:05/08/2018 21:30

Het Domela Nieuwenhuisstandbeeld, vlakbij het Westerpark, werd in 1931 opgericht; de onthulling trok tienduizenden mensen. Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis (1846-1919) werd na zijn parlementaire carrière anarchist en werd op handen gedragen door de socialistische en anarchistische beweging. Toch staat zijn standbeeld nu op een plek waar veel mensen er zomaar voorbij lopen.

Om de herinnering aan de grootvader van onze prachtige ideologie levend te houden, gaan we picknicken bij het standbeeld om zijn strijd en de onze kracht bij te zetten.
Kom ook!Wij zullen er zijn!

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